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CWA 4008

CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #20

Today, the Marketing and Appendix F Sub-Committees met to review data and request additional information from the company so that we can make educated and well-reasoned responses to AT&T’s retrogressive proposals received thus far. What we are discovering is that while the company says they have certain issues that they believe MUST be addressed, when we ask for data that supports their position, they either cannot provide it or what they do provide contradicts their original position.

The CWA committee proposed an Employment Enhancement MOA that would prohibit involuntary layoffs for the term of the contract and require the parties to commence discussions expeditiously to return contracted work to CWA members in District 4. Example of such work would be: Call Center Work, Buried Service Wire, DirecTV, Engineering, In-Home Expert and more.

We want to make it perfectly clear to AT&T that we are here to work. We want to perform all the work that involves serving AT&T customers. Consumers deserve nothing less than the professionalism, quality and loyalty that CWA members at AT&T provide.

AT&T must realize this…..hopefully prior to contract expiration.

We support you! You support us!

CWA 4008

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