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CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #33


CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #33

April 13, 2018

Fighting Today…Focused on the Future!


The Mobilization activities that took place this morning were AMAZING! There were members informational picketing in a TON of places and red balloons everywhere!

In Indianapolis, Indiana, the balloons had a little extra sparkle to them, as some managers found out.

In Columbus, Ohio, CWA’s message of NO CONTRACTING was carried across the city via cards attached to balloons sharing stories of AT&T’s use of low quality, unethical contractors, to the detriment of employees and customers.


We met with the Company this morning, and they showed a SLIGHTamount of movement off their original retrogressive positions on 6 contract articles including Definitions, Scheduling, Differentials, Recognized Holidays, Vacations and Excused Work Days. They did not, however, accept any of the Union’s proposals on those same articles.

The benefits sub-committee and the Article 26 sub-committee met earlier today to try and narrow the gap on both subjects.

This evening the Union rejected company proposals on a multitude of issues including: Article 2 (Definitions), Article 3 (Non-Discrimination), Article 17 (Scheduling and Payment for Time Worked), Article 19(Differentials), Article 21 (Recognized Holidays), Article 23 (Vacations), Article 25 (Temporary Assignments) and Appendices A1 (Motor Vehicle Usage Program), A2 (Training Opportunity Plan), A13 (Monitoring), A18(Overtime), A19 (Employment Security Commitment) and A25 (Required overtime). We then countered all the above with language to retain or enhance current language.

At this hour, we are waiting for the company to return to the table.

The committee would also like to thank Local 4603 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the care package and T-shirts that were delivered this week, Local 4900 in Indianapolis, Indiana, for our lunch today, and CWA Staff Representative Clinton Rodgers for the kringle breakfast treat.

One day left until expiration……………

AT&T must continue to hear us in the workplace!!! #ticktock #tolegittoquit

Nothing counts but pressure, pressure, more pressure, and still more pressure through broad organized aggressive mass action.—A. Philip Randolph

In Solidarity,

Your CWA District 4 Bargaining Team

Curt Hess

Tina Culver

Dan Frazier

Kim Gallardo

Tim Strong

Greg Tennyson

Jay Walther

Ron Gay

Mike Handley

Make sure you’re signed up to receive news and updates via text message by texting the word Midwest to 69866. 
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