CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #45
The Committee continued to dissect the Company’s proposals and craft Union counter proposals this morning.
This afternoon, after some discussion between the parties on where we are at in these negotiations and about the proposals the Union passed yesterday, the Company passed another package proposal that reflected them removing a decent number of retrogressive demands. That being said, there are still too many negative proposals on the Company’s side to call this significant progress.
We are still far apart on many issues, such as; Employment Security, Article 26, All Appendices, Benefits, Required Overtime and others.
Many thanks to Local 4123 for lunch and to Locals 4004 and 4100 for the care packages that arrived today!
In Solidarity,
Your CWA District 4 Bargaining Team
Curt Hess
Tina Culver
Dan Frazier
Kim Gallardo
Tim Strong
Greg Tennyson
Jay Walther
Ron Gay
Mike Handley
AFL/CIO Union Appreciation Night at Progressive Field