CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #13
CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #13
March 20, 2018
Fighting Today…Focused on the Future!
This morning the Article 26 subcommittee met with the company to push our sustained concerns about work and job security. We reiterated the need for improvements to this language and not carving out large portions of current contract language that our members depend on!
This afternoon the full CWA committee met to work on our health care counterproposal and to develop alternative proposals to some of the company’s retrogression that has been passed to your committee thus far.
We need to move forward, not backward!
Our Hands……. Our Labor…… Our Terms!!!!
In Solidarity,
Your CWA District 4 Bargaining Team
Curt Hess Greg Tennyson
Tina Culver Jay Walther
Dan Frazier Ron Gay
Kim Gallardo Mike Handley
Tim Strong
Make sure you’re signed up to receive news and updates via text message by texting the word Midwest to 69866. Reply to this email with photos from your mobilization actions! Click here to join our Face Book group: CWA Bargaining @ ATT Midwest.
AFL/CIO Union Appreciation Night at Progressive Field