CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #40
CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #40
April 18, 2018
Fighting Today…Focused on the Future!
Open Letter to Our Members in District 4
From Your
CWA Elected Bargaining Team
Wednesday, April 18th, 2018
Sisters and Brothers, after more than a month and a half of bargaining with AT&T we have made no progress on any of your key issues thanks to the Company’s ongoing retrogressive proposals. The Company continues to insist on more cost shifting to the members with regards to healthcare, freezing and eliminating pensions, and other retrogressive demands that would dismantle decades of collective bargaining gains. They continue to holdEmployment Security Commitment hostage by either eliminating current provisions or making the job security provisions unattainable. The Company has even proposed to destroy existing language in Appendix F. What do you want…contract MOBILIZE!
Lacking respect and appreciation for you, the Company continues to insult you by refusing demands to return work from contractors that we can perform! DTV, Wireless Local Loop, Call Center work, Design and Engineering, Construction, Supply and Logistics and a multitude of work that we have demanded for you and all we hear is NO! Even regarding upcoming technologies and jobs, they have no interest in working with us to ensure that you can continue your career at AT&T. For AT&T this is nothing more than a race to the bottom, but for us this is about our families and our futures. When do you want it…now MOBILIZE!
Your bargaining committee is committed to assure every member is better off at the end of the contract and has an opportunity to build both their career and their future with the company. AT&T must understand you are serious about your issues and willing to do whatever it takes in order to achieve a fair contract.
In order to win this battle, mobilization activities must be ramped up! To those mobilizing now thank you, to anyone watching, now is the time to step up and be a leader of yourself!
Your actions will determine the outcome of this FIGHT; the Company will not move otherwise.
- We will win what we have the power to win by fighting together!
- We need you to get involved in this battle and give us the strength to win the fight!
- Turn up the HEAT…or its FEET on the STREET!—It’s your choice!
In Solidarity,
The Midwest Bargaining Team
Jay Walther Dan Frazier Kim Gallardo Tim Strong Greg Tennyson Tina Culver
AFL/CIO Union Appreciation Night at Progressive Field