CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #42
CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #42
April 21, 2018
Fighting Today…Focused on the Future!
Yesterday morning the Appendix G subcommittee met to continue discussing ways to improve the working conditions of the members covered under that appendix.
The full committee worked the rest of the day analyzing and working on counters to the company’s package proposal from April 19th.
There sure were a lot of activities that were noticed throughout our District! Keep it up! Your actions – big or small – are the sure-fire way to prove to the company that this committee has our members’ trust and support. Thank You!
In Solidarity,
Your CWA District 4 Bargaining Team
Curt Hess
Tina Culver
Dan Frazier
Kim Gallardo
Tim Strong
Greg Tennyson
Jay Walther
Ron Gay
Mike Handley
Make sure you’re signed up to receive news and updates via text message by texting the word Midwest to 69866.
Reply to this email with photos from your mobilization actions!
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AFL/CIO Union Appreciation Night at Progressive Field