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CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report #91


February 15th, 2019

Fighting Today…Focused on the Future!

Over the last 10 days the Union committee passed proposals on Appendix F, Benefits, Employment Security, Jobs, and had discussions about the remaining open aspects of the agreement. 

The discussions we had with the company over the past number of days focused on the important issues we all care about. Health care, jobs, continued employment and our overall work life. We made many passionate arguments about why we hold the positions we do. It is what CWA members care about. It’s about doing the right thing.  

We also heard the positions of the company and what they care about. We have fundamental differences that we have to work through. Although this presents an immense challenge, we hope the conversations that have occurred lead the company to a change in their position. We will consider their thoughts as well as we look for a path to an agreement over the coming days. 

 We intend to review the company’s position as it relates to our proposals; as we allow time for them to review our proposals. We will be working internally as a committee to prepare for a return to the table once our review is complete and the company has had adequate time to review our new proposals.  

We will do whatever it takes to make progress towards a fair agreement. 

Thank you for your continued support of this bargaining team. 

Your CWA District 4 Bargaining Team:

Curt Hess

Tina Culver

Dan Frazier

Kim Gallardo

Tim Strong

Greg Tennyson

Jay Walther

Ron Gay

Mike Handley

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