CWA/AT&T Midwest Bargaining Report
19 June 2019
Brothers and Sisters,
As we all saw last week, one of the most profitable corporations in the world, AT&T, chose to announce massive layoffs of almost 1800 people across the country including over 300 in the Midwest. These disgraceful actions demonstrate the corporations’ willingness to continue down the road of job cuts and poor customer service. It does not have to be that way. Don’t believe for one second there are any real economic conditions that necessitate any layoffs. AT&T should reverse course and invest in CWA members, our customers and our communities.
As you know we have been bargaining with this Company for well over a year now, and the bargaining team remains steadfast in its position that we need maintain job security language as well as have access to the work of the future. We know the importance of these issues to our members and know that this company has been pushing to modify these provisions in order to more easily eliminate quality jobs in the Midwest which support families and provide quality service to our customers.
Last week CWA issued reports showing that AT&T has allowed the network that people rely on to fall into a state of disrepair while they chase their bottom line and eliminate the jobs of the people that maintain that same network.
CWA District 4 counsel filed with the Ohio PUCO, a complaint, to initiate a public, on-the-record investigation into the safety, adequacy and reliability of the telephone facilities and services of AT&T Services, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Midwest (“AT&T”) last week. You can view that complaint by going to:
We also ask that you invite your family and friends to share their story about the state of AT&T phone and internet service in their area by going to:
Your CWA bargaining team remains willing to meet with the Company to have meaningful discussions to reach an agreement that provides for the members of CWA.
Thank you to all who have participated in mobilization activities over the past months. Mobilization is important - more now than ever - as we are joining forces across the country to continue sending a strong message to AT&T. We ask that you participate in upcoming actions this week and beyond. Please contact your Mobilization Coordinator or Local for instructions.
We must continue mobilizing around our top priorities. It makes a difference!
AFL/CIO Union Appreciation Night at Progressive Field