Remember the Past to help Shape the Future
First sit-down strike in U.S. called by IWW at General Electric in Schenectady, N.Y. - 1906
International Human Rights Day, commemorating the signing at the United Nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, in part: “Everyone has the right to form and join trade unions for the protection of his interests” - 1948
American Federation of Teachers Local 89 in Atlanta, Georgia disaffiliates from the national union because of an AFT directive that all its locals integrate. A year later, the AFT expelled all locals that refused to do so - 1956
More info & ammo for unionists is available online from Union Communication
AFA-CWA Flight Attendants Save Lives on Downed Delta Flight
AFA-CWA Flight Attendants Save Lives on Downed Delta Flight
AFA-CWA Flight Attendants Save Lives on Downed Delta Flight
20,000 CWA Healthcare Workers at the University of California Prepare to Strike
20,000 CWA Healthcare Workers at the University of California Prepare to Strike
20,000 CWA Healthcare Workers at the University of California Prepare to Strike
CWAers Tell Electeds To “Have a Heart,” Don’t Tax Health Benefits To Give Billionaires Tax Cuts
CWAers Tell Electeds To “Have a Heart,” Don’t Tax Health Benefits To Give Billionaires Tax Cuts
CWAers Tell Electeds To “Have a Heart,” Don’t Tax Health Benefits To Give Billionaires Tax Cuts