DIRECTV Bargaining Report #5
DIRECTV Bargaining Report #5
On Thursday September 15, 2016, the Union and Company bargaining committees met. Your CWA Bargaining Committee rejected the Company’s first package proposal. The Union committee presented the Company a package counter proposal and explained all of the Union’s bargaining proposals. The package proposal included separate proposals for CWA Districts 3, 4 and 6. The Company and Union Committees continued to meet to address questions on the Union’s package proposal.
The CWA Bargaining Proposals included recognition of job titles, net credited service, and transfer to different job titles. The Union proposal also included “grandfathering” existing DIRECTV employees for new physical- requirements for new job titles. Discussions between the two Committees over the work the Warehouse Assistants and Office Coordinators would be performing, and the total headcount these positions would have in the future.
Wage treatment for employees was proposed by the Union. The Union proposal was a higher rate than the Company’s first proposal. Including the former DIRECTV employees into the Success Sharing plans were also proposed. The CWA Committee also made a proposal regarding home garaging. The Union proposes that all Direct Broadcast Satellite work will be performed by bargaining unit employees in in-franchise areas and certain out-of–franchise areas. Currently some of that work is being contracted out.
The Union proposal includes DIRECTV members transitioning into the applicable bargaining unit employee benefit agreements, including healthcare plans, savings plans, and pension plans.
The Union Committee continues to study data provided by the Company and remains on call, waiting for a response to their package proposal.
Your CWA Bargaining Committee
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