March 27
Mother Jones is ordered to leave Colorado, where state authorities accuse her of “stirring up” striking coal miners - 1904
(Mother Jones Speaks: Speeches and Writings: Admirers and students of Mother Jones will want this comprehensive collection of her speeches, letters, articles, interviews and testimony before Congressional committees. In her own words, this brave and determined heroine to millions of workers, active from the end of the Civil War until shortly before her death in 1930, explains her life, her mission, her passion on behalf of working people. Here are her fiery speeches to crowds of striking miners, textile workers, railroad workers and others; her correspondence with political and union leaders of her era—even newspaper accounts of her activities that include confrontations with police and militia.)
U.S. Supreme Court rules that undocumented workers do not have the same rights as Americans when they are wrongly fired - 2002
More info & ammo for unionists is available
online from Union Communication Services.
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6
CWA Healthcare Workers Begin Battle at the Bargaining Table
CWA Broadband Brigade Member Speaks Up for Reliable Internet Service at Statewide Rally