April 7
April 07National Labor Relations Board attorney tells ILWU members to “lie down like good dogs,” Juneau, Alaska - 1947
Some 300,000 members of the National Federation of Telephone Workers, soon to become CWA, strike AT&T and the Bell System. Within five weeks all but two of the 39 federation unions had won new contracts - 1947
Fifteen thousand union janitors strike, Los Angeles - 2000
More info & ammo for unionists is available
online from Union Communication Services.
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6
CWA Healthcare Workers Begin Battle at the Bargaining Table
CWA Healthcare Workers Begin Battle at the Bargaining Table
CWA Healthcare Workers Begin Battle at the Bargaining Table
CWA Broadband Brigade Member Speaks Up for Reliable Internet Service at Statewide Rally
CWA Broadband Brigade Member Speaks Up for Reliable Internet Service at Statewide Rally
CWA Broadband Brigade Member Speaks Up for Reliable Internet Service at Statewide Rally