CWA/ AT&T Mobility NBBB Report #6
The CWA bargaining committee has been meeting with AT&T this week in Austin, Texas. After three long days, we are making progress. The Committee passed proposals that make the healthcare more affordable and give our members healthcare options that meet their needs for the next four years. CWA is moving closer to unwinding this National Bargained Benefit Plan and when the four regional contracts expire, we will be able to bargain our compensation, pensions and savings plans, work rules, and benefits together. The Committees are traveling back tonight and will continue to meet via telephone conferences next week. Keep telling your manager that you need healthcare you can afford!
In Solidarity,
The CWA 2016 Mobility NBBP Bargaining Committee
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6
CWA Healthcare Workers Begin Battle at the Bargaining Table
CWA Broadband Brigade Member Speaks Up for Reliable Internet Service at Statewide Rally