February 2
Three hundred newsboys organize to protest a cut in pay by the Minneapolis Tribune - 1917
Legal secretary Iris Rivera fired for refusing to make coffee; secretaries across Chicago protest - 1977
The 170-day lockout (although management called it a strike) of 22,000 steelworkers by USX Corp. ends with a pay cut but greater job security. It was the longest work stoppage in the history of the U.S. steel industry - 1987
More info & ammo for unionists is available
online from Union Communication Services.
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6
CWA Healthcare Workers Begin Battle at the Bargaining Table
CWA Healthcare Workers Begin Battle at the Bargaining Table
CWA Healthcare Workers Begin Battle at the Bargaining Table
CWA Broadband Brigade Member Speaks Up for Reliable Internet Service at Statewide Rally
CWA Broadband Brigade Member Speaks Up for Reliable Internet Service at Statewide Rally
CWA Broadband Brigade Member Speaks Up for Reliable Internet Service at Statewide Rally