AT&T Mobility Orange Contract 2017 Bargaining: Report 53

This week bargaining focused on commission changes AT&T has planned for September and October. RSCs have seen an update on the “My CSP” page that describes changes including credit for some on-line sales and uncapping the Entertainment component for two months.
Under the heading of this communication, AT&T implied that the CWA Orange Bargaining Team has said “No” to any changes to the commission plan. A truer statement is that the CWA has requested to bargain over commissions and since commissions are wages and wages are a mandatory subject of bargaining, CWA has requested that the Company not make any changes until we have had an opportunity to bargain over them.
In a bargaining session that the AVP of Sales Compensation joined, we gained a better understanding of how these changes may be applied. We made additional information requests and are set up to continue our discussions next week on this issue. Your bargaining team will “SKIP NO STEPS” as we fight for a fair contract.
Your support keeps us CWA Strong and we will be here as long as necessary to get the Agreement our Mobility members deserve. When we fight, we WIN!
In Solidarity,
Mike Baxter, Local 1101
Frank Oliva, Local 1298
Deb Casey, Local 2204
Jeff Reamer, Local 13000
Julie Daloisio, Local 13500
Holly Sorey, Local 4202
Glen Skeen, Local 4320
Debbie Goulet, Local 7803
Hector Capote, Local 7250
Brandon Beck, Local 9511
Joe Sison, Local 9412
Pat Telesco, District 1, Chair
Tonya Moore, District 1
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