AT&T Mobility Orange Contract 2017 Bargaining: #42

One of the key issues the Bargaining Team is focusing on is Job Security. As the company looks toward the future, so does the Union. Job Security can take shape in many forms, but any way you look at it, it is a major issue. As many of you hear out in the field, the company wants to offshore or outsource Call Center jobs, open more authorized retailers and let technology and contractors chip away at the Technicians head count. The Union addresses these issues every time we meet with the Company, but the Company continues to bury their heads in the sand and make believe none of this is going on. The Union is going after new Tech work such as small cells and The First Responder Network, as well as protecting our members in the Call Centers from outsourcing/offshoring of work and demanding the Company come to the table with their long-term plan for the retail stores. While all issues on the table are important, job security is right at the top and is a strike issue.
We need mobilization throughout the Orange footprint to escalate, and your managers need to know you will do whatever it takes to secure a good contract. We remain far apart, but with the support and unity of the membership we can close the gap. The Company needs to hear us loud and clear and know that if they don’t bargain a fair contract WE WILL STRIKE! The Bargaining Team is committed, and we know you are too. When we fight, We WIN! Stay strong Brothers and Sisters!!
In Solidarity,
Mike Baxter, Local 1101 | Glen Skeen, Local 4320 |
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