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CWA 4008

AT&T Workers Vote to Authorize Strike

With two contracts covering nearly 14,000 workers at AT&T Midwest AT&T Legacy T set to expire on Saturday, April 14, members of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) voted overwhelmingly yesterday to authorize a strike, if necessary. The AT&T Midwest contract covers workers in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, while the Legacy T contract covers workers nationwide.

CWA District 4 Vice President Linda L. Hinton said, “CWA members are prepared to do whatever it takes to get a fair contract at AT&T Midwest that prioritizes job security, healthcare, and retirement. It is time for AT&T to live up to Randall Stephens’ promises to create thousands of new jobs in the U.S. if the Republican corporate tax bill passed. AT&T’s profits and tax windfalls must turn into jobs and employment security for CWA members.”

Vice President of Telecommunications & Technologies Lisa Bolton said, "Our members are ready to fight for a fair contract at AT&T Legacy T, even if that means going on strike. AT&T must stop farming out our work to the lowest bidder. After the tax bill passed, Stephenson promised the company would create 7,000 good, skilled, high-wage jobs. But at our bargaining tables, management demands second tier jobs with second tier wages and second tier benefits. It is time for AT&T to live up to Stephenson’s promises."

About CWA: The Communications Workers of America represents 700,000 working men and women in telecommunications, customer service, media, airlines, public service and manufacturing.

CWA 4008

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