Election Day 2020
Tuesday, November 3, 2020 is the Presidential Election. NOW it the time to verify your registration and if you choose, to submit your Absentee Ballot Application. The following are important deadlines that we all must be aware of and will be updated as we get closer to Election Day. (Please note that some dates and deadlines may be changed or modified as a result of court challenges.)
October 05, 2020 -- This is the LAST day to make any changes to your voter registration information and still be eligible to cast a ballot.
November 03, 2020 -- THIS IS ELECTION DAY!!! The polls will be open from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm.
The following link is to the Secretary of States Election Webiste and contains all the information you will need to be an informed voter. You can also contact your local Board of Elections with any questions that you may have. www.voteohio.gov
Make sure YOUR voice is heard. VOTE!!!
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