Update and Summary of Current Issues
CWA Local 4302 has been active and working with our newest Bargaining unit, the Piedmont Fleet and Passenger Services Employees. We currently have one grievance pending for System Board of Adjustment and two grievances awaiting step one responses from Station management. Agreements reached from recent Grievances, where appropriate, are available from our Stewards as well as posted to the bulletin board at the station.
Stewards for this unit are Chris Caston, Melanie Delbrugge, and Julie Fobes. These Stewards, as well as Officers of the Local, are available as needed. Please remember that in any meeting with management where the possibility of disciplinary action exists you are entitled to Union representation. Don't go alone!
We know that there have been some significant issues at the station and the Stewardship needs your help. It is imperative that the entire membership at Piedmont get involved. Please reach out to your Stewards or Local officers if you'd like to learn more about our Union and help us build power in your workplace.
Update and Summary of Current Issues