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AT&T Bargaining Town Hall Call Follow Up

As you know, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson made big promises last year to create jobs if Congress passed a big tax cut for corporations.

But instead of creating jobs, AT&T continues to cut jobs, and the company refuses to bargain a fair contract that keeps jobs in the Midwest and at Legacy T.

Because of the work that many of you did in last month's elections, Congress is going to be different next year. Randall Stephenson's friends who pushed that tax cut through will no longer be in charge in the House of Representatives.

On Monday's town hall call, CWA President Chris Shelton announced our campaign to have Congress investigate what AT&T is really doing with their billions in corporate tax cuts after all the promises the company and politicians made to us about jobs.

When members of Congress come back to Washington next month we need to flood their offices with emails, letters and phone calls demanding that they find out what happened to the billions of dollars of our money that they gave away to AT&T.

In January we will be sending you a toolkit with information on how to contact your member of Congress and get your co-workers and members of your community involved - both online and offline.

Meanwhile, here are two things you can do right now:

  1. Click here to let us know that we can count on you to ask your member of Congress to investigate AT&T and get your friends and family members to do the same.
  2. Share this article on Facebook about why we are asking Congress to investigate AT&T.

You may be wondering how getting Congress involved will help us at the bargaining table. Members of Congress also promised the tax cut would result in jobs and higher wages. If the tax cut isn't working as promised, it needs to be fixed.

With Congress involved, AT&T will have to make a choice--either follow through on their promises and reach an agreement with us to protect jobs, or explain to Congress why they didn't use the tax cut they way Congress intended so that Congress can make the necessary changes to the tax bill to better protect jobs.

In Solidarity,

Linda L. Hinton
Vice President, CWA District 4

Lisa Bolton
Vice President, CWA Telecommunications and Technologies

p.s. If you missed the call, you can listen to it online at