AT&T Mobility Orange Contract 2017 Bargaining: #54

The Bargaining Committee and the Company met today to continue our dialogue on the Company’s proposed changes to Retail commissions for September and October, which many of you saw posted previously on the My CSP. The Company had posted that there would be changes to the plan available to everyone except for members covered by the Orange Contract. These changes for September and October would be positive changes including digital experience crediting and uncapping the entertainment component. The Union made it clear that the Company would not get away with playing games such as offering positive changes to everyone but the members we are currently bargaining for, and we demanded they bargain the changes with us. The Bargaining Team had discussions with the AVP of Sales Compensation and determined these changes would be beneficial to our members and demanded the changes apply to everyone including the Orange Contract. We are pleased to report that an agreement has been signed as of today which gives these changes to members covered by the Orange contract, while protecting the Union’s position – which is that we have a standing request to bargain commissions and any and all changes to commissions must be bargained with the Union. The mobilization and Unity of our members makes us stronger at the bargaining table and that’s why we were able to secure this victory. Click here for the full agreement.
While compensation was at the forefront this week, we still made it clear that job security, new work, and affordable benefits are some of the issues that we will continue to fight for until properly addressed. Bargaining will continue next week. Thank you for your continued commitment, Unity and support during this long round of bargaining.
When We Fight, We WIN! Stay strong Brothers and Sisters!!
In Solidarity,
Mike Baxter, Local 1101
Frank Oliva, Local 1298
Deb Casey, Local 2204
Jeff Reamer, Local 13000
Julie Daloisio, Local 13500
Holly Sorey, Local 4202
Glen Skeen, Local 4320
Debbie Goulet, Local 7803
Hector Capote, Local 7250
Brandon Beck, Local 9511
Joe Sison, Local 9412
Pat Telesco, District 1, Chair
Tonya Moore, District 1
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