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March 4

In his inaugural address, President Thomas Jefferson declares: “Take not from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.” - 1801

Pres. William Howard Taft signs legislation creating the Department of Labor. Former United Mine Workers Secretary Treasurer William B. Wilson is
named to lead the new department - 1913

President Franklin D. Roosevelt names a woman, Frances Perkins, to be Secretary of Labor. Perkins became the first female cabinet member in U.S.
history - 1933

UAW workers win sit-down strike in Flint, Michigan, forcing General Motors to recognize the union. In the 40-day action, the strikers were protected by
5,000 armed workers circling the Fisher Body plant - 1937

Machinists strike Eastern Airlines are soon joined by flight attendants and pilots in the nationwide walkout. Owner Frank Lorenzo refuses to consider
the unions’ demands; Eastern ultimately went out of business - 1989


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