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November 23

Troops were dispatched to Cripple Creek, Colo. to control rioting by

striking coal miners – 1903

_[The Inventory of American Labor Landmarks is a cool booklet with a

nice selection from the Labor Heritage Foundation’s comprehensive, _

___ongoing inventory of labor landmarks across the country. Nearly 200

monuments, plaques and other markers are described here, from 33 states and

the District of Columbia, accompanied by historical summaries and, often, by

photographs. The landmarks include the Pipeline Workers Monument in Valdez,

Alaska, honoring the 70,000 building trades workers who constructed the

pipeline; the Flint (Mich.) Sitdown Strike Historical Marker, and the Battle

of Matewan, W.Va. Historical Site, marking the site of a shoot-out between

striking union miners and coal company agents. Great history, great

inspiration, and a great source of potential daytrips and vacation


More info & ammo for unionists is available

online from Union Communication Services.