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Thank You



The working class had a tremendous victory on 11/8/2011 when the citizens of Ohio vetoed SB5--the law stripping public sector workers of collective bargaining rights. It was a 22% margin of victory, but also a huge turnout. More people voted against Issue 2 - about 2.1 million - than voted for Kasich in 2010, when he picked up 1.89 million votes and defeated Strickland by 2 percentage points.

Not only does this protect the rights of 360,000 Ohio public workers that have unions (including 7,000 CWA members), but it gives unorganized public workers the continued right and inspiration to organize. This morning, 16 brave unorganized workers at the University of Akron, along with Local 4302 leaders, are out leafleting their co-workers with an organizing message -- "Now is our time."

We can draw inspiration from this victory that we can build majorities prepared to defend collective bargaining. However, the challenge is to work with the majority to build support for the kind of policies that will rebuild the American Dream--good jobs and strong communities.

We had a great outpouring of activism from every part of CWA across the state. Let's keep up the fight!

Thanks again to all who helped over the past year.