Public Records Request for YOUR Information!!
Please see this article and uncover for yourself the TRUTH about the Freedom Foundation. They are an out-of-state, anti-worker group that will lie and deceive you every chance they get. They have submitted a public records request to the Ohio State University for YOUR information. If you are contacted by them, hang up the phone. If you receive a flyer in the mail, read it closely. You will NOT get any money from them if you opt out of the Union.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact your area steward, Chief Steward, or contact the Hall directly.
CWA Ratifies New Three Year Contract with OSU
CWA Members and Retirees Affected by Wildfires Have Our Full Support
CWA Members and Retirees Affected by Wildfires Have Our Full Support
CWA Members and Retirees Affected by Wildfires Have Our Full Support