72 copper miners? children die in panic caused by a company stooge at Calumet, Mich., who shouted ?fire? up the stairs into a crowded hall where the children had gathered.
AFL officers are found in contempt of court for urging a labor boycott of Buck's Stove and Range Co. in St Louis, MO where the Metal Polishers were striking for a 9-hour day - 1908
21 Chicago firefighters, including the chief, died when a building collapsed
as they were fighting a huge blaze at the Union Stock Yards. By the time
the fire was extinguished 26 hours after the first alarm, 50 engine
companies and seven hook and ladder companies had been called to the scene.
Until Sept. 11, 2001, it was the deadliest building collapse in American
history in terms of firefighter fatalities - 1910